The Dundee connection in the solar power revolution – Monday 26th April
What is this ‘Dundee Connection’? In the 1970s Dundee scientists pioneered the development of the first thin-film silicon solar cells, leading to solar panels able to convert energy from the Sun into electricity. Today they work closely with international partners on the next generation of solar materials based on nanocrystals and polymers.
Why solar power? Solar cells (photovoltaics) have many advantages; they produce no CO2 and are ‘plug and play’ – giving instant electricity whenever the sun shines.
… so what are the problems? The sun doesn’t always shine, there can be pollution issues in the life-cycle, and they are not yet commercially competitive with fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Join us in Chambers Coffee House and Restaurant at 7 pm on Monday April 26th where Steve Reynolds will discuss some of his latest research towards the development of cheaper more efficient solar cells and panels. These advances in technology are central to a reduction in carbon emissions, and solar electricity will be required to provide a significant fraction of the World’s energy needs in the future.
This is a free event and no tickets are issued. Just turn up on the night!