Responding to Flu Pandemics: The Challenge – Monday 31st Jan 7pm
Join us at Chambers Coffee House, 34 South Tay St for our first Cafe Science Dundee event of 2011. So what was all that flu pandemic about ? Was there really a global healthcare threat or was it just media…
Why can't we reduce the waistline of our population? – Understanding mixed messages in lifestyle advice – Mon 31st May
We are constantly told by newspapers, magazines, from doctors and politicians what makes up a healthy lifestyle. There have been major advances in our understanding of the causes of diseases, and the aim of doctors and scientists is to improve…
How Good are "Good Bacteria"? – 6pm Wednesday 10th June
How Healthy are the ‘Good Bacteria’ added to our food? Two million Britons regularly take ‘Good Bacteria’ supplemented in our food or drink, yet evidence shows that the types and numbers of bacteria labelled on the products doesn’t always match what…