Postponed: Artificial Intelligence: Risks, Rewards and Science – Monday 16 March 2020, 7pm
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing this Café Science Dundee event. Many apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. We shall be in touch in due course. Computers that can learn are able to solve some problems that humans…

Health Promotion: The Road to Rehabilitation – Monday 21 January 2019, 7pm
How many fruit and veg should you eat every day? The “have you had your five-a-day?” campaign is an example of successful health promotion – where people are informed to make the easy choices about their health. But what role…

Are E-cigarettes Safe for your Arteries? Monday 19 November 2018, 7pm
E-cigarettes are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, with an estimated 2.9 million people in the UK vaping, instead of smoking. Health bodies advise they are much less harmful than smoking and politicians are encouraging the promotion of…

How is Pollution affecting Scottish Seals? Monday 9 October 2017, 7pm
The world’s oceans are vast, covering over two thirds of the surface of our planet. It’s no wonder, then, that when humans have something to get rid of, they often toss it in the sea. Many people think that the…

Personal Genomes: From Ancestry and Identity to Health – Monday 27th October 2014, 7pm
The genetic blueprint for our bodies contains over 3 billion letters, and we have just started to unravel the meaning of these genomic instructions. With many companies offering to analyse your genomes, both for ancestry and health related purposes, and…

National Screening for Bowel Cancer – Idea to Reality – Monday 28TH October 2013, 7pm
About 30 years ago it was recognised that the presence of bowel cancer could be detected by testing for traces of blood in stool, and that this might be utilised for screening. In the intervening period there has been an…

Cafe Science Tayport: Exercise and Training – When Less is More. 7pm, Thursday 15th November 2012
Dr John Babraj from the University of Abertay discussed the novel findings from his lab , which suggest that elite athletes and anyone looking to improve their health should start to train smarter, not longer. This event was hosted at…
Cancer: What's Poverty Got To Do With It? – 7pm on 30th April 2012
Cancer affects us all. The chance is, you know someone with cancer or who has had cancer. Luckily most of us today also know someone who is living with cancer and not dying from cancer. There is no doubt that…
How Often Should You Go To The Dentist – 7pm, Monday 28th November
Oral disease has had a significant impact on history. Dental pain has led to countries being invaded and techniques have been developed that are now routine such as general anaesthesia. Whilst oral health has improved most of you will have…
Exercise and Training – When Less is More – Wed. 14 Sep 2011
We all know that exercise is good for us but few people do enough exercise to produce health benefits. One of the major reasons for non participation is time. But what if we told you that as little as 6-15 minutes…