Making your rubbish work for you – 7pm, Monday 24th September 2012
Your left-over food could be my energy source. Research in Dundee is helping to make our rubbish work for us by taking food waste and turning it in to fuel for our homes and cars. On 24th September at the…
New Ways to Treat Cancer – Ultrasound for Surgery and Drug Delivery
Monday 14th March at 7pm (talk rearranged due to November’s bad weather). Ultrasound is best known for helping doctors look inside the body, for example during pregnancy. However, with recent developments in electronics and nanotechnology it has become possible to…
The Dundee connection in the solar power revolution – Monday 26th April
What is this ‘Dundee Connection’? In the 1970s Dundee scientists pioneered the development of the first thin-film silicon solar cells, leading to solar panels able to convert energy from the Sun into electricity. Today they work closely with international partners…
Harnessing the power of the sea – 7pm Monday 27th April
Renewable energy is rarely out of the news, and extracting energy from the sea is a particularly high priority with the Scottish and UK governments. The waters around the UK are a rich potential source of electricity for future generations. …
Biofuels or Biofools?
Prof. Graeme Walker will give a talk entitled “Biofuels or Biofools.” We start at 7pm, Monday 28th April, upstairs in Borders.