Dentistry Without Drills – Monday 17 April 2017, 7pm
Traditionally, treating tooth decay has involved injections in the mouth, drilling and filling – often unpleasant and difficult to cope with. However, treating decay by simply sealing it into teeth, without any injections or drilling, has been shown to work…

Neglected Diseases – Dundee’s Quest for New Medicines – Monday 30th September 2013, 7pm
Dundee is leading a new battle on tropical diseases. These infectious diseases are responsible for more deaths and disability in sub-Saharan Africa than all other causes combined. As a result there is a huge difference in average life expectancy -54…

What have Rivers Ever Done For Us? – Exploring the Value of Our Rivers and Wetlands – 6pm Wednesday 9th May
In a change from our printed programme we are delighted to announce this talk from Prof Chris Spray (University of Dundee) that will explore the values of our rivers and waterways. Rivers and wetlands form a vital part of…
Cancer: What's Poverty Got To Do With It? – 7pm on 30th April 2012
Cancer affects us all. The chance is, you know someone with cancer or who has had cancer. Luckily most of us today also know someone who is living with cancer and not dying from cancer. There is no doubt that…
Is Your Computer Smarter Than You? – A Guide to Artificial Intelligence – Monday 26 Sep 2011
In the 1999 film The Matrix, one of the lead characters Morpheus tells us that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is: ‘A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines’. This has lead to many people being terrified of the concept…
Why can't we reduce the waistline of our population? – Understanding mixed messages in lifestyle advice – Mon 31st May
We are constantly told by newspapers, magazines, from doctors and politicians what makes up a healthy lifestyle. There have been major advances in our understanding of the causes of diseases, and the aim of doctors and scientists is to improve…
Image is Everything: Pushing the boundaries of ultrasound – Wed 12th May
Ultrasound is great for seeing inside the body – like the baby scans pregnant women have. New technology makes it possible to see fantastic details of tissues with microscopic resolution. Ultrasound has a wide range of applications, including helping to diagnose…
The Psychology of People and Places: Is there more at Home than the Heart – 6pm, Wed 11th Nov
Mhairi Bowe joined us at Sensation as we discussed the results of a study of Dundonians’ and other local peoples’ thoughts on what makes a place feel like home. In this talk, psychologist Mhairi Bowe from the University of Dundee discussed…
Detecting tooth disease – Wednesday 10th December 2008
Is going to your dentists a bit like pulling teeth? Are you fed up with their prodding and scraping? This science conversation gives you the chance to hear about new ways of detecting tooth decay. You can find out the latest news of dentistry gadgets and…