Fertility and Lifestyle – How lifestyle choices can affect conception – Monday 24th June, 7pm
The Scottish Government has recently announced new measures to bring NHS funded fertility treatment across Scottish Health Boards into line. Good news for some, however current criteria consider lifestyle choices and exclude treatment for some patients based on their lifestyles….

What Causes Peanut Allergy?- Skin Research gives a clue. 7pm, Monday 25th June
Peanut allergy affects 1-2% of children in the UK and may result in a severe or life-threatening reaction. The number of people with allergies has increased dramatically over the past 20-30 years. The reasons behind this ‘epidemic’ are unclear, but…

Fit as a Fiddle – Ageing, Age-related disease, Diet and Exercise – 7pm, Mon 28th May
Why do we age? Why does ageing increase the risk of a variety of human diseases? Why is this trajectory accelerated by metabolic disorders, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes? Will it be possible in the future to defer…
Omega-3 fats: Can they really make children smarter?
Food manufacturers have been rushing to add omega-3 fats to their products. With claims that ‘clever milk’, ‘the think drink’ and ‘brain storm cereal bars’ can improve children’s learning and concentration, this Cafe Science will sort the fact from the…
Why can't we reduce the waistline of our population? – Understanding mixed messages in lifestyle advice – Mon 31st May
We are constantly told by newspapers, magazines, from doctors and politicians what makes up a healthy lifestyle. There have been major advances in our understanding of the causes of diseases, and the aim of doctors and scientists is to improve…
Genes and Diabetes: fat or fiction?
This months Cafe Science will be the last of our first season, but we shall be starting up again in September. On Monday 30th June, Dr Ewan Pearson will give a short talk called ‘Genes and Diabetes: fat or fiction?‘…