A Decade of Cancer Prevention – Monday 22 January 2018, 7pm
For around 4 in 10 cancers, there is strong evidence that they are linked to lifestyle. And we know that diet, weight and activity levels can change people’s risk of developing these cancers. However, only 3% of the national funding…

National Screening for Bowel Cancer – Idea to Reality – Monday 28TH October 2013, 7pm
About 30 years ago it was recognised that the presence of bowel cancer could be detected by testing for traces of blood in stool, and that this might be utilised for screening. In the intervening period there has been an…
Cancer: What's Poverty Got To Do With It? – 7pm on 30th April 2012
Cancer affects us all. The chance is, you know someone with cancer or who has had cancer. Luckily most of us today also know someone who is living with cancer and not dying from cancer. There is no doubt that…
New Ways to Treat Cancer – Ultrasound for Surgery and Drug Delivery
Monday 14th March at 7pm (talk rearranged due to November’s bad weather). Ultrasound is best known for helping doctors look inside the body, for example during pregnancy. However, with recent developments in electronics and nanotechnology it has become possible to…
Breast Cancer: Sticking with the Treatment – 6pm Wednesday 9th September
Unfortunately, breast cancer is now the most common cancer in the UK and almost 46,000 cases are diagnosed every year. The good news is that due to improved detection and new treatments, the number of women beating breast cancer is increasing…
Cancer Prevention
Our 3rd Cafe Science will explore the issues around cancer prevention. Prof. Annie Anderson will be giving a short talk entitled, Cancer Prevention: Nutrition and Physical Activity. In the mean time you can click on her name and find out…
First event: 28th Jan 2008
Our first event will kick off at 7:00pm on the 28th January 2008. Professor Inke Nathke will treat us to a short talk entitled ‘From molecules to tumours: Colon cancer from a biologist’s perspective‘. Admission is free, just turn up….