Computer Vision – Seeing the World Through Machines' Eyes. Wed 12th October @6pm

As an example, “Trophy” is a tank defence system that relies on cameras and computers to detect, follow and shoot down an incoming rocket, all in a fraction of a second and without any human intervention. Similar technology is used to drive cars without a human driver. Diabetes can be diagnosed by a computer using only an image of the patient’s retina.
But with all this existing technology, how is it possible that computers are not able to count the number of chairs in a room or distinguish between a male and a female? Adria Perez from the University of Dundee will be on hand to discuss the problems with using computer vision, and just how computers see the world.
The talk will be hosted in our regular venue, the delightful Infusions Coffee Shop, inside Dundee Science Centre – Sensation on Wednesday 12th October at 6pm. Doors open at 5.30pm when the cafe will be serving drinks and snacks, and yes, you will be able to treat yourself to a hot chocolate!
This is a FREE event and EVERYONE IS WELCOME. There is no need to book in advance but arrive early to avoid disappointment.