A Decade of Cancer Prevention – Monday 22 January 2018, 7pm
For around 4 in 10 cancers, there is strong evidence that they are linked to lifestyle. And we know that diet, weight and activity levels can change people’s risk of developing these cancers. However, only 3% of the national funding…

A Brief History of Life – Monday 13 November 2017, 7pm
DNA contains the blueprint for all of life on earth, wrapped up into chromosomes at the heart of every cell. Small differences in our DNA make each individual unique and help to explain why we are how we are, whether…

How is Pollution affecting Scottish Seals? Monday 9 October 2017, 7pm
The world’s oceans are vast, covering over two thirds of the surface of our planet. It’s no wonder, then, that when humans have something to get rid of, they often toss it in the sea. Many people think that the…

Nursing in the 21st Century – Monday 11 September 2017, 7pm
Nursing is a constantly changing profession, with new skills, roles and challenges affecting how nurses care for us. The recruitment crisis in the NHS increases the need for nurses to be resilient, flexible members of teams with expertise from surgery…

Everything You Wanted To Know About Evolution – Monday 12 June 2017, 7pm
Have you ever wondered what makes us human? How did we evolve from our ape ancestors to become the planet’s dominant species? Genetically we are very much a Great Ape, but much has happened in the 7 to 10 million…

Does The Food Industry Listen To Me? Monday 8 May 2017, 7pm
Choosing, buying and eating foods is an everyday activity we take mostly for granted in the western world. Nevertheless, behind the fully stocked supermarket shelves is a sophisticated industry which may know you better than you know yourself. Dr John…

Dentistry Without Drills – Monday 17 April 2017, 7pm
Traditionally, treating tooth decay has involved injections in the mouth, drilling and filling – often unpleasant and difficult to cope with. However, treating decay by simply sealing it into teeth, without any injections or drilling, has been shown to work…

Breastfeeding – what has that got to do with science? Monday 13th March 2017, 7pm
Babies have been breastfed since the dawn of the human race, but since the early 20th Century artificial substitutes have been manufactured and advertised as ‘just as good’. The introduction of these milk substitutes has led to a huge decline…

Precision Medicine in Diabetes – Monday 13th February 2017, 7pm
Precision medicine allows doctors and researchers to predict which treatments will work for each patient. It aims to reduce the “one-size-fits-all” approach and treat patients based on their own characteristics such as their genes and family history, with an aim…

Why Do People Get Spots? Monday 9 January 2017, 7pm
The skin is the largest organ in the body and subject to no less than 3000 different disorders. Many are chronic and cause a great deal of suffering. Acne is the most common skin disease across the world and yet…