Using the Force: Lasers Under the Microscope – Monday 27th January 2014, 7pm
Over 100 years ago the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell predicted that light had the ability to exert forces. With the invention of the laser in the 20th century the ability of light to move tiny objects was observed in…

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Could Keeping Active Improve Mental Ability and Exam Results? – Monday 25th November 2013, 7pm
The ancient Greeks believed that the development of the mind and body were inextricably linked. In our current time, we are suffering from a worldwide pandemic of physical inactivity and obesity with recent figures suggesting that over 20% of five…

Cafe Science Tayport – Beached Whales: Is Human Noise Responsible? Thursday 14th November 2013, 7pm
If you can’t make it to Cafe Science Extra on Wednesday 13th November, then this event in Fife is a second opportunity to hear Dr Stacy DeRuiter’s talk about whale conservation and management. Every year the news reports that large…

Cafe Science Revisited – Monday 4th November 2013, 6pm
What links the decline in bee numbers and pesticides? How is lab based research helping us understand colorectal cancer? These are two questions we hope to answer as we welcome back Dr Chris Connolly and Prof Inke Nathke (both University…

National Screening for Bowel Cancer – Idea to Reality – Monday 28TH October 2013, 7pm
About 30 years ago it was recognised that the presence of bowel cancer could be detected by testing for traces of blood in stool, and that this might be utilised for screening. In the intervening period there has been an…
New programme released
We are excited to announce that the new leaflet for our upcoming series will be available in local libraries, tourist information and Universities from later this month. The leaflet will also be available at our next talk on Monday 30th…

Neglected Diseases – Dundee’s Quest for New Medicines – Monday 30th September 2013, 7pm
Dundee is leading a new battle on tropical diseases. These infectious diseases are responsible for more deaths and disability in sub-Saharan Africa than all other causes combined. As a result there is a huge difference in average life expectancy -54…

Fertility and Lifestyle – How lifestyle choices can affect conception – Monday 24th June, 7pm
The Scottish Government has recently announced new measures to bring NHS funded fertility treatment across Scottish Health Boards into line. Good news for some, however current criteria consider lifestyle choices and exclude treatment for some patients based on their lifestyles….

Scientific evidence is one of the most common types of evidence used in the courtroom. It is also the most easily misunderstood and misinterpreted. Confidence in the reliability of scientific evidence is vital to the integrity of the legal process…

Does it matter how we speak to our children? – Monday 29th April, 7pm
Last time you spoke to a baby, did you find yourself using funny words like ‘milkie’ and ‘blankie’ in an embarrassingly high-pitched voice? Profesor Vera Kempe from the University of Aberaty will join us this month to discuss what characterises child-directed speech, who…