Frequently Asked Questions On Wellbeing – Monday 11th January 2016, 7pm
We’ll be taking a little break over the festive season, and will be back on Monday 11th January 2016. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and very happy new year with your loved ones during this time. Our next…

Space, Planets and Solar Systems – Monday 9th November 2015, 7pm
Until recently, the configuration of the planets in our Solar System was considered to be similar to that during its formation. This “quiet” picture of the Solar System formation started changing 20 years ago, when the first extrasolar planet was…

CSI Dundee: New Forensics – Monday 12th October 2015, 7pm
Forensic science is used across the World to provide evidence in courts and can have a strong influence on the court’s decision. However, very few new techniques with a sound scientific basis have been developed in the last 30 years….

Tackling the Ebola Crisis – Experiences From the Frontline – Monday 14 Sept 2015, 7pm
In 2014 and 2015, three West African nations, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone experienced the largest and most complex outbreak of Ebola the World had ever seen. During the outbreak Dr Steve McSwiggan from the University of Dundee was working…
Cafe Science Dundee 2015/16 series
A warm welcome to you all after our summer break. We have got a fantastic series of discussions planned for you from September 2015 to June 2016. Please be aware of the few changes to our programme. We will be…

Science Story: Peanuts from Plant to Snack Food – Monday 29th June 2015, 7pm
Delve into the world of peanuts where Dr Jonathan Wilkin, Senior Food Technologist at Abertay University, will take you on a journey from farm to fork with a much-loved stable food product. The UK imports on average 110, 000-120, 000…

Understanding Teenage Mental Health – Wednesday 10th June 2015, 6pm
Adolescents account for around a quarter of the world’s population and are at high risk from mental disorders and participation in risky behaviours. It appears that recent attempts to improve their health have been largely unsuccessful – so what can…

Tomato Killers: What Might Rob Us Of Our Salads – Monday 25th May 2015, 7pm
In the fields and polytunnels surrounding our city, an eternal battle continues. Before food gets to our table there are many other creatures and organisms that would like to eat it first. So how do plants survive in their environment?…

Camouflage: Hiding in Plain Sight – Wednesday 13th May 2015, 6pm
How does camouflage work in the wild? Animals have evolved in many ways to conceal themselves from watchful preying eyes, often through camouflage. If you can’t hide within, under or behind something else then you may need camouflage to survive….

What Does It Mean to be Sustainable? Monday 27th April 2015, 7pm
Prof Ioan Fazey will explore whether and how we can be truly environmentally sustainable. The talk and discussion will draw on Ioan’s research in the Solomon Islands, where he worked with rural communities to explore the challenges they face and…

“ARE YOU A CHICKEN-FLAVOURED NIPPLE BISCUIT?" Science blogs, comments and trolling – Wednesday 22nd April 2015, 6pm
Many hope that science blogging will improve how scientists and others communicate. Conversations on science blogs can be vibrant – and sometimes extremely heated. Debates involve a wide range of participants including professional scientists, interested (and occasionally disinterested) laypeople, amateur…

Voices from Care Homes: Gathering evidence for better building design – Monday 30th March 2015, 7pm
How can the design of care homes better support older adults in maintaining their wellbeing, independence, mobility and quality of life? What would you want and need if you lived in a care home? WiFi, natural light and colour, privacy,…

Good Vibrations? – Engineering Safer and Quicker Railways & Roads – Wednesday 11th March 2015, 6pm
High-speed rails have become one of the most advanced and fast developing branches of transportation. Especially with the recent investment from UK government. However, with the increasing of the train speed, the intensity of railway generated vibrations and noise become…

Patient Safety: How do we Train our Doctors? Monday 23rd February 2015, 7pm
With the increasing pressures on public services ensuring patients are cared for in a safe system, is a challenge for everyone involved. Prof Jean Ker will explore some of the very real dilemmas individual health care professionals face in their everyday practice, trying to make…

Using the Power of Youth to Restore the Wisdom of Old Age – Wednesday 11th February 2015, 6pm
The ability to learn and remember complex information about the world around us develops slowly from birth, reaches a peak as we mature and then often declines during old age or in neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s. Dr…

Does Maths Count? Monday 26th January 2015, 7pm
Contrary to the preconception that mathematics is purely designed to torture school pupils and has no relevance to the “real world”, Dr Fordyce Davidson will discuss how mathematical tools are being used to address some of the most fundamental challenges…