Eye Saw It: The Psychology of Eye-Witness Memory – Mon 28 Feb @ 7pm
We use our memories every day, and can usually rely on them. However, psychological research has proven that our memories can be fallible. For example, we forget things, and our memories can be influenced by seemingly mundane things such as…
Small Talk – Application of Nanotechnology – Wed 9th at 6pm
Even though we may not be aware of it, nanotechnology is already embedded in many of the products that we make use of in our everyday lives. Did you know that your computer, phone, & Playstation have nanotechnology at their…
Responding to Flu Pandemics: The Challenge – Monday 31st Jan 7pm
Join us at Chambers Coffee House, 34 South Tay St for our first Cafe Science Dundee event of 2011. So what was all that flu pandemic about ? Was there really a global healthcare threat or was it just media…
Put a Cap on that Gas! – Storing CO2 Underground – Wednesday 12th Jan, 6pm
The Scottish Government has pledged to reduce Scotland’s CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020, which means we have to find some new tools to combat to put in to action. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one technology that could…